Block Life Game 2014
You are a square trying to find triangles. [Up], [Left], and [Right] Key to move.
flappy catz
flappy bird has nothing on flappy catz use the mouse
A storybook adventure staring a tiny seed pod. Journey from your tiny island home to the lush forests of your dreams; explore the hand-drawn landscape and meet some interesting friends along the way.
Pretty Breakout
So I saw Lee Stemkoski’s Breakout Clone tutorial and decided to give it a go. Be warned, there’s a lot of bokeh.Credits:-Ingame sprites by both Marcus and Scribe: stock images by regularjane: http://regu [...]
Kuizi Fizika pjesa e katërt
Ky është një kuiz nga Fizika.Në këtë kuiz janë pyetje te ndryshme për dhe rreth Fizikës .Kuizi përmban 10 pyetje me nga 4 opcione apo përgjigje ku vetëm njëra është e saktë. Kjo është pjesa e katërt e këtij kuizi.rnrnrnTestoni veten se sa keni njohuri rreth lëndës së Fizikës.rnrn [...]
Angie Summer Wedding
Summer is here and beautiful Angie is so happy and excited for her big weeding day! She takes care of everything except her wedding outfit. Come and help her pick the most beautiful dress there is.Then help her new husband to choose a suit for him. Have fun with this cute coupe o [...]
pong with a sweet twist up and down arrow keys
Highway of Hell
Superior graphic and gameplay make this biker game to one of the best ever made.